Yesterday at 10 am I got a phone call from Dr L's office. They have a loooooooong wait and I'd been trying to get in. They had an opening at 3 pm and wanted to know if I could be there.
I threw clothes in a bag, drove around picking up medical records, and hauled to Houston. Made my appointment with five minutes to spare, too.
Today, I had an appointment with someone who specializes in hips and sees FAI cases, Dr A.
Dr L doesn't believe in FAI and thinks I have a possible stress fracture of the femur. He does agree, however, that my measurements and exam indicate that I have FAI if he believed in it. He wants an MRI (no contrast) to look for a fracture and amount of fluid in my hip.
Dr A looked over an old MRI and my xrays and says he's pretty confident I have FAI and he thinks I also have a labral tear. He's also cautious about the possible fracture Dr L noticed. He ordered an MRI with arthogram, some sort of radioactive dye (starts with a K) and a pain test (which while it sounds bad, should help with pain in the long run). I opted to go through wve ith Dr A's plan for now, since it covers everything I'm concerned about (except hip fluid level). It looks at enough stuff that I think we can get a pretty good idea of what's going on in my hip.
So that's where I am as of today. Still a little confused about what's going on with my hip, but at least it looks like I'm heading to a real diagnosis soonish. I am not looking forward to the MRI since the arthogram laid me out for a few days last time. Oh well - no pain, no gain.
MRI w/ arthrogram, radioactive dye, and a pain test scheduled for 3 pm tomorrow.
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